Our story begins when, as a research group, we obtained the Technology Innovation Award conferred by the Guanajuato State and the Federal Scientific Councils of México (CONCyTEG/CONACyT) in 2008 for the development of bacterial biofertilizers that were able to reduce up to 50% of the chemical fertilization dosages recommended for rain-fed maize .
Thinking that this recognition would help us to spread this and new technological developments of our research group, we could see, with despondency, the little interest of the established companies in incorporating new technologies in their production processes or they were ready to pay only a minimum amount for the acquisition of these innovations.
Through our participation in the competition for the Technological Innovation Award of CONCyTEG/CONACyT we observed that this situation was not unique to the life sciences area, because great talents of the engineering, in all of its branches, also fought hard for accommodating their own technological developments, some of them very admirable to our eyes. In Mexico there is a great talent among researchers from different areas that, unfortunately, is not adequately utilized in the benefit of our country.
Later, we realized that biotechnology, as an emerging knowledge area, began, albeit slowly, to gain a place in our country. Unfortunately, in practice, the services and products offered at that time were not exactly of the best quality. Particularly, in the light of the resurgence in our country of the biofertilization as a practice to reduce costs associated with chemical fertilization, we see the emergence of countless low-quality products.
These facts prompted our desire to establish a company linked to the biotechnological area to offer quality products and services in Mexico, a compromise we wanted to be reflected in the name of our company: BIOqualitum, "Quality in Biotechnological Innovation " .
We consider working with quality as a real commitment of our company and not a “cliché” or an obligatory format of the current positioning marketing strategies.
We can mention that we are a proudly mexican company (recognized by CONACyT as a technological-based company), which is comprised of scientists linked to the biotechnology area, some of them members of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT (SNI) and the Mexican Academy of Sciences, that always seeks to develop more efficient biological products with the minimum impact to the environment.
We really believe that, as Mexicans, we can create, innovate and work with the best quality of the world.